Supplying Water To Iwacu Kazoza School And The Surrounding Community

All donations are tax deductible thanks to our fiscal sponsor, GlobalGiving which is a tax exempt, 501©(3) organization


Budget For Supplying Water To The School And The Orphanage From The Drilled Well

A well has been drilled and Water has been found. It is pure and plenty of water as you can see from the attached pictures:

The drilled Well will be able to provide water to the school, orphanage and surrounding community. The remaining work to be done is to install water solar pump, pipes, build water tanks then to supply to the school, orphanage and surrounding community.

Folder : Order of materials and labor for the construction of two tanks in reinforced concrete, search and connection of the pipes, construction of a water fountain, building a fence in metal in the source tube.

To complete this project from the stage it is today, we need: $57,747 ( a detailed budget/cost can be provided).

Getting  water to the  School and the orphanage from the drilled well will be done as follows:

  1. Building two 10 cubic water tanks
  2. Purchase water solar pump
  3. Piping from the drilled well to Iwacu Kazoza School and the orphanage
  4. Digging for a piping line
  5. Building fountains
  6. Building a fence for the well
  7. Engineering supervisor

N.B: Getting water to the Orphanage  and School from the drilled well can be done in three phases:

Phase #1: Building  two 10 cubic water tanks and purchase water solar pump

Phase #2: Piping from the drilled well to orphanage and School including       

digging for a piping line

Phase #3: Building  fountains  and fence for the well

This project is very important for our school, orphanage and surrounding community.

 All donations are tax deductible thanks to our fiscal sponsor, GlobalGiving which is a tax exempt, 501©(3) organization

All donations are tax deductible thanks to our fiscal sponsor, GlobalGiving which is a tax exempt, 501©(3) organization

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All online donations are tax deductible thanks to our fiscal sponsor, Heart of Africa ( which is a tax exempt, 501©(3) organization. With this sponsor 100% of your donation will go to the school.

global giving



All donations are tax deductible thanks to our fiscal sponsor, GlobalGiving which is a tax exempt, 501©(3) organization.

donate today

If you prefer, tax deductible donations may be made by check payable to:
St Mark’s Episcopal Church/JRMD
c/o Mike Seymour
PO Box 761
Port Royal, SC 29935-0761
All proceeds will go to benefit the school.

Prosper Ndabishuriye
General Coordinator and Founder
B.P. 2366


(257)75 920 609
Telephone in USA:

c/o Kathy Hazen
7019 47th Ave SW
Unit 5
Seattle, WA 98136

USA Contact person:
Kathy Hazen
(206) 852-0098